
Highlighted Miscellany and other stories

Not to start off with politics, but if all has gone well, as you read this, I'm down in Seattle protesting—very quietly and peaceably, but protesting nonetheless—against the HHS mandate. Even though I detest protesting. And that's all I have to say about that.

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Owing to my trip south, this will be a fairly abbreviated post. Hence, a few highlights from this week:

1. Daffodils!
2. In first-three-chapters revision, surpassing the original 11,059 words with 11,598 and counting.

3. Raised bed garden in the making!
4. The superb husband who is building it.
5. The likewise-superb in-laws who have contributed transportation
for long pieces of wood, plus tools and labor.
6. This chipotle recipe. I will use it again, oh yes.

7. Healthy baby cherry tree! Even if I can only take a blurry picture.
8. Discovering on Tuesday that I was still capable of waking up all the way. This, after spending Monday flat on the couch, sleeping or else reading with eyes half open and mind half aware. It's been a busy couple of weeks.

9. Pansies! And basil and chive starts. I hope they grow.

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Readers' and writers' link of the week: Nathan Bransford suggests we Beware of Stories. There are numerous possible essays to be written in response to this, but I'm ending an extraordinarily busy week and have no time. Feel free to write or imagine your own.

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Music of the week: There's just not enough Faure in the world.

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Random amusement of the week: Despite the fact that I think there ought to be less hate mail in the world, not more, this is funny.

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Happy weekend!


  1. I clicked around the website a bit and came up with this: "You know, there's a lot of talk in this country about gnashing of teeth. Well I think Americans are tired of the same old alligators. Ordinary Americans believe in kitties!, they want less scorpions, they just aren't sure if their leaders believe in hope."


  2. Maybe we can organize a protest against protesting. :)

    Your pansies & chives & basil should do just fine...except Maia knows they're in there. It only takes one slip by you & she's in there. She's a cat; she can wait. (Theme from Jaws playing in background.)

    1. You're right about the "it only takes one slip", George. Don't think it doesn't keep me up nights. :P And yeah, the Jaws theme is most definitely appropriate.

  3. I've always like the idea of protesting, but in practice it's disappointing. That said. I almost went to the one in Portland, but Yarrow has a huge aversion to the carseat right now. We didn't make it half-way there before giving up. I hope it went well!

    1. Aha, I've known a few babies who hated the carseat! Bummer. Our rally went very well and was surprisingly enjoyable, probably because we only had one heckler that I heard, and he didn't come around till after everything had wound down. Which for Seattle is pretty nearly miraculous. :P

  4. Jophus LOVED the Faure video and watched the whole thing attentively and quietly on my lap, which is a lot to say for a squirmy 10-month-old who rarely sits still for anything these days! I peeked over at him and he was often smiling. For myself, I liked the conductor especially. It's a delight to watch a good conductor coax a thing of beauty out of 40 disparate souls. Thanks for posting that.

    1. I'm glad you and baby loved the Faure! It's a favorite of mine. You're more than welcome. :)

  5. And Masha, we too are dealing with Carseat Aversion at this moment!

  6. Jenna,
    Only one heckler..my image of protests is crumbling to pieces. I like seeing hecklers, they make me feel like I'm actually doing something, not just chatting with people I know or listening to speakers.. :) I'm glad it went well though!

    Carseat Aversion is awful. Fortunately - for Yarrow - we now have only one car and she can avoid riding around in it as much as possible.


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