

The Today meme is hosted by Masha! Join in over at Piękno, or leave your own sensory notes in the combox...

Today I am...

Feeling... good, but a little sleepy. Turns out that when you don't drink for two weeks and then suddenly have champagne and wine in the same evening, all the alcohol turns to coffee right at midnight and keeps you awake, mind and heart racing, till four A.M. That was Saturday night. I'm still groggy by turns.

Seeing... sunshine, and wondering how long it's going to last. We've had unexpected rain twice in the last week. Quite a bit of it. I finally covered my tomatoes again.

Smelling... fresh white bread from the bread machine. I shouldn't be making white bread during detox, but it was all I had time for this afternoon.

Tasting... homemade salsa with tomatoes and jalapeños from the garden, Greek yogurt with blueberries and honey, homemade tomato soup at my parents', holy basil tea with lemon juice and milk thistle drops (detox drink), tuna salad with leek and apple. It's been a good food day.

Listening... to one of my little nieces play the guitar. Chords and melody mean nothing to her, but noise level does (the louder, the better). I had to explain to her that the guitar is too delicate to be played with lummi sticks. She loves lummi sticks. It's really too bad I don't know enough to teach her how to play the drums.

Grateful... for all these apples, even though I'm getting rather tired of chopping and processing and canning them.

Reading... Chesterton's The Man Who was Thursday. I finally got around to it. The philosophy is a lot for sleepy Jenna to try and follow right now, but I pretty much snorted with laughter all the way through the first chapter.

Loving... Louis St. Hilaire. Who, it turns out, can pull off a pretty romantic five-year anniversary. <3

Hoping... for many more years together.


  1. ugh..Detox drinks..I'm working hard to keep the motivation up! But thanks for explaining the whole detox + alcohol = exhausted, sleepless mess!!! I was wondering what my problem is.

    We've been promised storms, but currently have blue skies..what do you cover your tomatoes with?? I feel like I'm going to need "Gardening in a Wet Clime" lessons from you!

    Holy Basil tea??! That sound fascinating! Is it a cleanser too??? Good food days are the best! Enjoy yours!

    ...and I never doubted Lou could pull off an amazing Anniversary ;) He always seems like a natural romantic..I'm so glad it was wonderful and not at all detoxing!

  2. Cats don't like leeks & apples in their tuna salad.

    Good for Lou & the anniversary! :)


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